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How To Share Your Website On LinkedIn

April 27, 2023
 • Angela Noble
 • 3 min read

If you share links to your website or blog on LinkedIn, or if others do, you’ll want to ensure you have the proper OG tags set up. These tags will enable LinkedIn to display your web page’s title, preview image, description, and url in the preview.

According to LinkedIn’s own help article, “Make your website shareable on LinkedIn”, there are certain OG tags and image requirements they have:

Below are the og: tags that must exist and their correct format:

  • <meta property=’og:title’ content=’Title of the article’/>
  • <meta property=’og:image’ content=’// 1234567.jpg’/>
  • <meta property=’og:description’ content=’Description that will show in the preview’/>
  • <meta property=’og:url’ content=’// of the article’/>

Here are the image requirements specific to the LinkedIn sharing module:

  • Max file size: 5 MB
  • Minimum image dimensions: 1200 (w) x 627 (h) pixels
  • Recommended ratio: 1.91:1

Title, Description, and URL OG Tags On LinkedIn

While Page Title and URL show up, in our experience, we have yet to see a description show up on a shared link posted to LinkedIn. 

Our Social & Search Preview Tool shows that this post DOES have a description set according to their parameters, yet none displays:

The same preview in Facebook displays the description:

We’re unsure why LinkedIn says they will display the description, but actually does not! A quick scroll through our own feed shows no descriptions in any posts.

Shared Link Image Size On LinkedIn

While LinkedIn has minimum image dimensions of 1200×627 pixels (their recommended ratio of 1.91:1), they don’t crop other images to that ratio like other platforms do. 

Here are a few examples of OG images that were uploaded as squares and were uncropped by LinkedIn when posted:

Our parent company Noble Intent Studio has a unique featured image size for posts. This one also remained uncropped as neither a square nor the 1200×627 recommended size:

This got us wondering, would LinkedIn crop our OG image if it were vertical? So we ran a test. We set our OG image to 1200x1600px. This OG image was set in Yoast within our WordPress CMS.

Our vertical image was cropped to a square!

We also found that if you try to publish a link that uses an OG image with dimensions less than 1200px wide or less than 627px high, you’ll be met with an error message.

What happens when you post as-is?

The post shows no preview image or any other metadata.


  • Your image will be shown if it is at least 1200x627px.
  • You can use an image with a height of up to 1200px; any taller than that and it will be cropped to a square.
  • The Title of your page will be displayed.
  • The URL of your page will be displayed.
  • Your page description will not be shown.

Preview Before You Share!

Try our Social Sharing Preview and Meta Tags Audit Tool to check your link before you share it on LinkedIn!

Try For Free


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